Superdresser and his Sidekicks.

Well, it has made it's way back to Monday already, Folks!

Did I hear a "Booooo"...?

Not to fret! There's good news: we have another reveal for you!!!

 A little bit of sunshine in the form of a gorrrrgeous set that includes a dresser and two side tables..

This beauty was my partner's find. When she hauled it in I thought it was such an eye sore. I must admit, she saw something right off the hop with this guy that I most certainly did not..

 Boy, was I wrong. She spiffed it up to purrr-fection for what is now one of my favorite pieces yet!

She stained this guy in a beautiful "Dark Walnut" and wow, did it bring out the uh-maaazing grain!

She added some perfect little vintage inspired pulls that look like they were made for this dresser!

(*ahem* can I just say: dang, that grain is deee-lish!)

She painted the sides and trim of the dresser in a really serene, beachy, pale blue colour that goes amazingly with the dark wood. It's my new fave paint/stain combo fo sho!

Here it is in all of it's glory:

Now as if that wasn't enough to get you pumped for the entire week ahead, there's more...

The side tables!

Again, I was not the biggest fan of these when she brought them in and didn't see their potential as she did. Again, my bad. I was wrong, because...

 BAM! Look at these perfect little side-kicks!!!!

She painted them in the same pale blue and added the same pulls that are on the dresser.

They. Are. Stunning.

So! There yah have it! A fresh start to the week!

This set will be available in the shop tomorrow!