transformation tuesday!

Well, folks...its that time of the week again!

Today I decided instead of going funky like yesterday, I would try something a little more classic.
This table was a find at a new thrift shop. This one was particularily neat because 100% of the profits go to children in Africa...pretty cool I'd say!

The details on this table are very pretty. And there is a drawer in the front there with a lip handle on the bottom (sneaky little thing!).

I knew I wanted something fresh, nuetral and light to bring out the shape a bit more. So I went with a really nice taupe and left the top natural wood (after stripping it of it's nasty finish!)

here she is in progress...

So after sanding, priming, stripping, painting and staining this beauty to perfection, she turned out like this...

Have a great night, peeps!