transformation tuesday!

So let's make this a regular thing around here, shall we?

I'll show you a furniture blunder turned furniture wonder (did you note the rhyme there?)

For this week's transformation, I have chosen to share an old wood box in need of some major help. This piece was a shop project that my significant other made in grade ten. It was a good effort, but let's face it, it had zero personality and a dim future at the dump.

Oh ya, that's her alright. Drab, sad, and not a shred of pizazz. She went unloved for so long in the garage and was full of scuffs and scratches.

We always need extra storage around our place, so I thought long and hard about how I could make this old gal into something that wasn't such an eye sore.

So! First off I knew she needed a pick-me-up (literally, she could no longer be sitting squat on the floor). She needed legs (insert cheesy ZZ Top lyrics here...or not..)

I picked up these from home depot to give her a mid-century modern vibe.

I  wanted a crisp, clean, black and white piece with some wallpapering behind but couldn't find a paper I was 100% happy with, so, I went for vinyl teardrop decals and stuck them to the back of the shelves!


Not too shabby! Just goes to show that even the ugliest of pieces can be turned into something lovely!