It's that time of week again!
Sooo, not going to lie, I completely forgot about "Transformation Tuesday" until my friends reminded me. That's how I kind of gal.. It's a good thing I have no shortage of furniture pictures on my iPhone. My phone is 60% furniture and 40% my pups.
Anywho, these old beasts were a total score at a nearby thrift shop. They were previously loved, and had the dings and scratches to prove it, but were calling my name.
They were the perfect mid-century-mod shape, but had zip for personality. I absolutely love gold accents and the look of a clean, fresh coat of high gloss white paint, so I took that pallet and away I went.
Here they are before, looking a little gloomy and undressed...
and here they are after their transformation...
These babies are all dressed up and ready to part-ay! Or at least spend some time beside your couch or bed side.